About me


I'm Alena.

For me, programming is not just a job, it's a hobby.

I'm open to new knowledge,
I like to study new technologies
and apply them in practice.

Skills: HTML, CSS, JS, React.


Virtual Piano

You can see the project at the following link: virtual-piano

I did this project when I was studying the frontend on HyperSkill. I created a web page with Virtual Piano, learned some HTML basics and some JS basics and learned that CSS can easily make a beautiful design.

Virtual Piano

Virtual Piano


You can see the project at the following link: flashcards

I did this project when I was studying the frontend on HyperSkill. I created a web page with flip-down flash cards, learned some HTML basics and learned that CSS can easily make a beautiful design.



Open Space

You can see the project at the following link: Open-Space

I did this project when I was studying the frontend on HyperSkill. To launch the rocket enter a password and press OK button to unlock checkboxes and levers. Then check all checkboxes and set all levers to the highest level. πŸŒŒπŸ•ΉπŸš€πŸ›ΈπŸ›° Launch the rocket, and feel like a real space engineer!


Open Space


You can see the project at the following link: To-Do-List

I did this project when I was studying the frontend on HyperSkill. πŸ“‹I created a simple to-do list where you can add new tasks, mark them as done, or delete them if they are no longer important.



Case Converter

You can see the project at the following link: Case-Converter

I did this project when I was studying the frontend on HyperSkill. πŸ“ Simple application for converting the text into different cases and with the ability to save the changed text as a .txt file.


Case Converter


You can see the project at the following link: Hypergram

I did this project when I was studying the frontend on HyperSkill. 🎨I created a simple app that can help you with image editing.


